Some may wonder if carpet holds any advantages over other types of hard surface floors. While every floor covering product can be shown to have its own advantages and drawbacks, carpet has several distinct benefits when compared to hard surfaces. Carpet comes in many different designs and textures to complement any decor. Besides being comfortable to walk on, it also provides warmth and sound absorption. Here are some reasons why carpet may be your best option.
Style: Carpet has a style all its own. From luxurious and elegant to casual and comfy, carpet can give a space an entirely different feel, just by changing the style of carpet. Consider a short-pile, patterned carpet for a formal room or a long frieze for a more casual space.
Comfort: In addition to feeling nice to walk, sit and lay on, carpet provides shock absorption thanks to its flexibility and cushioning (and this effect is increased dramatically if there is a pad beneath the carpet). So, not only is carpet more comfortable to the touch, it is also easier on the body when standing or walking on it over a long period of time.
Warmth: Carpet provides excellent insulation value to a space, much more than hard surface flooring materials. A thicker carpet provides a higher insulation factor (“R-value”) regardless of the fiber type of the carpet. In addition, underpad has its own R-value, and the use of underpad in conjunction with carpet combines the R-value of each material, giving greater overall insulation.
Quiet: Sound carries much further when there is no carpet in the space. You’ve probably, at some point, been in a room that is bare of carpet and noticed that sound tended to bounce off the walls and create an echo in the room. This is because hard surfaces can’t absorb sound the way that soft surfaces – such as carpet – can. Carpet contributes to a much quieter space.
Safety: It goes without saying that hard surfaces can be slippery, and they’re not much fun to land on when slips and falls do happen. Carpet not only provides a soft landing surface, it also helps to prevent some falls in the first place, particularly on stairs. Properly selected carpet increases safety by preventing many slips and falls.
Once you have selected your new floor, we will provide free in home expert measurements, removal any of existing flooring and professional installation of the new floor.
Following is a checklist of things to do before the installation even begins to ensure that everything goes smoothly.
Determine who will be removing the old flooring and moving any furniture.
Complete any painting, wallpapering or other remodeling prior to the carpet installation. Keep extra paint on hand to touch up any post-installation nicks.
To properly install a carpet, the subfloor must be clean, dry and level. The installer will nail or glue tack strips to hold the carpet in place. Then the pad is laid and secured with staples or glue. The carpet is then cut and laid down. The seams are glued together.
The carpet is stretched toward each wall and secured at doorways with transition moldings.
Taking care of your carpet is fairly easily and involves just a few steps. Regularly following these steps should ensure that your carpet remains looking as good as when it was initially installed.
Be sure to use doormats to reduce the amount of sand and dirt tracked into the home.
Vacuum one to two times per week and more often in heavy traffic areas to prolong the life and beauty of your carpet.
Cleans spots and spills immediately. Not only will a quick clean reduce the rate of absorption but it also helps reduce the bacteria and other problems associated with a spill.
Use deep extraction professional cleaning. Deep carpet cleaning is essential to remove deep set dirt, dust, pollen, and other pollutants but don’t add to the problem by allowing the use of harmful chemicals. Instead, search for a company that uses environmentally friendly “green” carpet cleaning solutions.
We always recommend you reference the manufacturer’s warranty for specific care instructions.